Baker University College of Arts and Sciences

Class Schedule for Deming, Michelle
Section ID Title Pre-Reqs Credits Inst Starts Ends Days Enrollment Limit
 SO425 A Victimology Pre-req: SO240, SO242, SO243, or permission of the instructor. Nine hours in sociology recommended. 3 Deming, Michelle 10:30 AM 11:20 AM M W F  25
 SO308 A The Global Sex Trade Prerequisite: Sophomore status 3 Deming, Michelle 11:30 AM 12:20 PM M W F  20
 SO115 A Principles of Sociology  3 Deming, Michelle 12:30 PM 1:45 PM T R  40
 SO274 A Toolkit for Sociological Inquiry Pre-req: SO240, SO242, SO243 or permission of the instructor 3 Deming, Michelle 9:30 AM 10:45 AM T R  40